The FFEM supports a number of projects around the world (Asia, Africa and Central America). These projects share a number of common factors and convergent aims: restoration, monitoring, education, development of economic activities related to mangrove rehabilitation and support for public policies.
“Restoration, conservation and sustainable management of mangroves in Costa Rica and Benin in the face of climate change.” The project seeks to restore and promote the sustainable management of the mangroves so that the coastal wetlands of Costa Rica and Benin can better mitigate and adapt to climate change. It involves transferring the technologies and skills developed in Mexico to Costa Rica and Benin. The goal is to restore pilot mangrove sites with a view to replicating the project on a larger scale. This cooperation process should allow Costa Rica to implement its “Social Blue Carbon” public policies more effectively.
“Monitoring coastal risks and soft solutions in Benin, Senegal and Togo.” The project combines targeted capacity-building for key actors in coastal risk management with field activities that have proven their effectiveness. Soft solutions for coastal protection will be implemented at pilot sites, showcasing French expertise. The project is part of the WACA (West Africa Coastal Areas) regional programme (financed by the World Bank) which offers West African countries technical assistance to sustainably develop their coastal areas in order to combat erosion and coastal flooding.