After the postponement of previous missions due to COVID, a new mission to Benin was held from February 27 to March 5, with the presence of several actors of the initiative. Organized by Ebénézer Houndjinou, from the NGO CORDE, it was attended by Janique Etienne (FFEM), Moussa Sall (CSE), Claudia Agraz (EPOMEX, Mexico), Issa Sakho (Amadou Mahtar Mbow University of Dakar), Awa Rane Ndoye, and Catherine Gabrié (Mangrove Initiative). Supported by the WACA project steering committee, the mission allowed to visit the mangrove restoration sites of the Costa Rica/Benin and Waca projects in Grand Popo and Ouidah, and to measure the progress made. It also allowed to discover the future mangrove restoration site in Aného, Togo, in the framework of the WACA project. The presence of the mangrove initiative team finally allowed to progress on the documents that the initiative will produce, including the guide on mangrove restoration, on the WACA FFEM 2 project and on the future of the initiative.
The report of the mission in pictures :